Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Some things that have happened

This month has been lovely. It is a relief to have a steady job. I don't have enough hours, but this does permit me a few days in the week (never the weekend!) during which to see my beloved friends. I was underpaid last month, so I should be receiving that at the end of this month. Also, I've been selling tonnes of my old clothes (weep) on ebay, as a fund for a new tattoo. Here are some images that sum up this month (so far!)

Summer days with my cat bag.

Amy encouraged me to purchase this magnificent shell plate.
It's currently covered in hair clips, but I may remove them,
as you cannot see just how beautiful the glittery surface is.

I was naughty and purchased 2 new pairs of summer-friendly shoes.
In total they came to £30. I am always racked with retail guilt, these days.

My beautiful friends and I went out, and had an epic dance session.

My hair went from this...
(that is a light sabre, bubble wand, by the way, not a dildo!)

To a ribena-coloured work in progress.

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